Become a Better You
Welcome to Coached Soul therapeutic coaching. The phoenix represents the soul rising from the nest of the ashes of complex challenges and stressors that once held you back from achieving your most significant potential. Coached Soul is a therapeutic platform that provides a hands-on approach to help establish the healthier lifestyle you want to achieve.
Our coaches have gone through the adversities of life that has given them the soul of the phoenix. They desire to coach you on how to be a better you. Therapeutic coaches assist in meeting with you to develop an individualized life plan to grow from dissatisfaction to rising above the ashes of the past to being more than satisfied with your life. We understand the emotional challenges and how it changes perceptions. Happiness is not outside of yourself, and coached soul will use therapeutic tools for you to thrive with new skills taught and can be a daily practice to cultivate a thriving, fulfilled, happier self.
The Difference in Therapy and Therapeutic Coaching
Therapy has diagnosis and specialized treatments to help overcome the past, while therapeutic coaching helps with the future with specialized skills to remain focused. Therapists have insurances and private pay, while coaching is specifically private pay. Although, therapeutic coaching may not require an education, Coached Soul requires our coaches to have a least a bachelor's or higher degree.
Determining the Right Coach
To become a happier you, there should be an understanding of how to find the right coach. There are different types of coaches. Believe it or not, there are about thirty different types of life coaches. However, they might not be the right coach. Therapeutic Coaches are those who have done a considerable amount of work on themselves already.
A therapeutic coach should have the ability to lead but has the skill and influence to guide by helping individuals to see the possible in solving problems. They have a strategy to understand how to transform visions into reality. Coaching helps you to maximize the energy to reinforce motivation and determination to achieve those goals you want to start.
Getting Started
Our coaches have a master-level education and believe in centering the mind on what is essential and what is not working. Their approach is to help you to discover and organize your strengths to construct a life that feels more invigorating and satisfying lifestyle. We understand there are no cookie-cutter solutions to the challenges you bring to us. We offer e-mail, telehealth, and in-person style coaching to fit your needs. Click on the about to learn about your coaches and contact one of them to become a better you.